Tasha went out first and ran with Steph for a while and I went down the highway and waited with the motor home. Matt came out and we had a little chat as we waited for Steph and Tasha to arrive. What a positive and energetic guy. We didn't get to talk for to long as he was also the driver of the motor home so he was heading down the high way to meet up with Steph and Tasha. I followed along and puled over a few kms down the road to wait for them and to get a couple of pictures. Matt and Steph switched at the next stop the motor home made so Tasha ran with Matt for a little while before I switched with Tasha.

Tasha running with Matt
I ran with Matt for about 5k and had a chance to talk to him about how the run was going. One of the goals they have is to start a marathon in each major city that they have run through during their year long run. So I am thinking about trying to get on started in Calgary, it would be a trail marathon as there are not many in the area. I am looking forward to the challenge or organizing and marketing such a race.
We wished we had more time to spending running with Matt and Steph but we did have to get moving as we were on our way to Sault Sainte Marie. We spent over an hour running with them and at the end of it I felt inspired to find something epic to do in my life. Anyone have an idea?